“The church is like a vine sending forth fresh
shoots, pushing down roots, reaching for sunlight, hungering for righteousness,
thirsting for refreshment, being fed from above.” {Thomas
Oden, Systematic Theology: Life in the
Spirit, vol 3, (Massachusettes: Hendickson Publishers, 2008) p. 287.}
Grape growers in vineyards tend
to the roots of the vine more than anything
else. If the roots are well-tended and planted in healthy soil the fruit will
take care of itself. I think we often struggle more with trying to produce good
fruits in our lives than nurturing our spiritual roots.
But as our roots deepen we
grow together into the body of Christ. The church will then take its shape from
the organic growing together of its individual members. This is different from
the organizations that we find out in the general society which are structured
by committees or planning groups or by tradition. They then go looking for people
to plug into their pre-formed slots. In this scenario it is largely the
organization that forms the people.
Scripture does not so
describe the body of Christ; for the image of Christ is not fundamentally
expressed by an organization but by the living souls which form the body. We
grow toward the fullness of Christ through a gradual process of transformation;
through afflictions, through dark nights and through our surrender to the work
of the Spirit within us. But it is not just for ourselves that we grow. God designed
us to grow together into a community rooted in Christ. This is the church. It is how Scripture says the community of
Christ takes shape. It is not so much a mechanical structure artificially
contrived by planning committees but a living organism growing into the very
divine nature of Christ. More than anything else this is how the church will
reach out to a lost world.
Are we there? No, but we can
work at it.
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