New Class Begins at First Presbyterian Church, Boulder - Sun, Sep 16 at 11:00 in Room G250.

Class Leaders:
Christine Brockett @ Gene Culbertson
Class Schedule
Sep 16: Dynamics of the Spiritual Journey (Gene).
Understanding the Christian life as a
journey helps us to move through
its stages.
Sep 23 Principles of Spiritual Transformation (Gene).
How does God work to change us into the person
He designed us to be?
Sep 30 Developing Sacred Space (Gene).
Making a place for God to work.
Oct 07 Teaching and Practice of Listening Prayer (Christine).
Does God speak to us today and how can we
discern His voice?
14 Role of Spiritual Disciplines (Gene).
The spiritual disciplines
create the vehicle that moves us through
the process of transformation.
21 Role of Intention in Spiritual Exercises (Gene).
Our will is a primary
tool that we have to work with.
28 Teaching and Practice of Centering Prayer (Christine).
Practicing the presence
of God.
04 Spiritual Direction (Gene).
What? Why? How?
Companioning along the spiritual
path. You don’t have to walk alone.
11 Teaching and Practice of Lectio Divina (Christine).
Connecting with and
resting in God through prayerful meditation
on Scripture.
18 Healing Prayer (Christine)
Allowing God
into places where we need healing; emotional,
physical or spiritual.
Gene, I randomly stumbled onto your blog a few weeks ago. I have been studying spiritual direction on my own with very little... direction. :) I live in Kansas City so am obviously unable to attend your class, but I will be reading your reflections about what is covered in each session. Super hungry and excited to read... Please post!! :)